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California, United States
Making things that are fun, good for your family and good for the environment. Please support Micro-businesses.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Back to School Already?!

Well, it's almost time for school to begin! In an effort to be as "green" as possible I have created some bags for the girls' school lunches. No more single-use plastic baggies!

The larger bag is about the size of a 1 quart Ziploc baggie, and the smaller is about half that size. Both are made from 100% organic cotton. It's the only thing I feel comfortable putting the girls' food in (and I LOVE the Lorax fabric).

The bigger baggie is perfect for crackers, pita chips, grapes, those baked peas from TJ's, pretzels.... I think the smaller bag will be great for trail mix, raisins, or smaller portions of the other goodies.

These are machine washable, but will shrink a bit in the dryer. I just give them a quick hand wash in the sink & let them air dry overnight.


  1. Oh! My husband plans on using these as well for his lunches!

  2. YES!!! I want more bags. How can I order? And what sizes do you have available? Or what is in the near future? Do you also have lunch"boxes" and "sandwich bags" - all re-usable of course? I have been meaning to go further green with all such items. Please let me know what, how much and how many... and WHEN?

  3. Dear Clawed, Yes! I'll be having "green" sandwich bags and lunch sacks in the very near future! Stay tuned....
